We know we’re not out of the woods yet in regards to COVID-19, however, the decision was recently made by NICA National to lift the in-person suspension of activities, allowing Leagues to make their own decisions and plans based on local guidance and restrictions. A lot is still up in the air, but in light of NICA’s National Decision, we have decided to move forward with opening student-athlete registration on May 18th  

Welcome to the 2020 season

Please get on Pit Zone and get registered by Wednesday May 18.

Practices: M, W, F from 6-8 pm after July 4 start date

Locations: Will vary, Thomas Creek, Whites Creek, Galena Creek, Incline Flume, TRT and many others

Club dues: Currently working to get it set up online 🙂


Questions:  Please reach out to Ann: 775-846-9003

Check here for current practice and race schedules.

< 2018 >
May 29
  • 29
    No events